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Krylon® Spray Paint Facts

Avoid spray paint misuse and ensure your project’s success by learning the facts about spray paint:

  • Myth: Spray painting isn’t safe.

    Fact: Spray painting is safe! Simply follow the directions on the back of the Krylon spray paint can and ensure the area is properly ventilated.

  • Myth: I can’t spray paint indoors.

    Fact: Yes you can! When spraying indoors, ensure you have adequate ventilation by using a fan or opening windows and doors. Spray painting outdoors provides the best ventilation.

  • Myth: All spray paints are the same.

    Fact: Not all spray paints were created equally! Spray paints can be formulated to perform a specific function for a specific surface. For example, Krylon® Fusion for Plastic® is specifically formulated for use on plastic materials.

  • Myth: Primer is not always necessary.

    Fact: We recommend using a primer whenever possible as it creates a clean, smooth surface that increases paint adhesion, seals your surface and ensures the true paint color is achieved.

  • Myth: If I complete my project in multiple stages, I won’t see a difference in color.

    Fact: For best results, always apply a coat of paint to the entire project as opposed to spraying it in stages.

  • Myth: Spray paint overspray only occurs outdoors.

    Fact: Overspray can occur both indoors and outdoors. Prevent overspray by using a drop cloth or creating your own “spray booth” by turning a large cardboard box on its side and place objects inside when spraying.

  • Myth: I can apply multiple coats of spray paint at any time.

    Fact: Check the directions on the back of the can for your product’s recoat window, which identifies the timeframe for when additional coats can be applied.

Still have questions about Krylon spray paint? Contact Krylon at 1.800.4KRYLON or through the Krylon Contact Us Form.